Integrating Agile into Your Manager’s DNA

Top down or bottom up agile transformations often fail to last if middle management has not bought into the change. How can a team be self-organizing and continuously improve if they have a command and control manager? This session will explore how to directly coach managers on their changing role in an agile organization. Focus is on teaching them how to draw greatness from their teams by creating a culture of trust and ownership.

Success is not just about letting the teams go self-organize. Success in a transformation is a complete mind shift for the leaders as well. Neglecting the coaching for this layer of management can be fatal to the overall enterprise transformation.

Learning Objectives
• Participants will learn the critical role a manager plays in creating an agile culture that’s open to change and encourages innovation
• Managers will walk away with an understanding of the basics of the art of servant leadership
• Agile coaches will discover ways to help managers navigate their way through the transformation