Dave Hoover | 11:45 – 01:00
Many years ago, Alistair Cockburn described software development as a cooperative, goal-seeking, team-based game. This idea will be unpacked and we will learn how to apply the concept of collaborative gaming to our work as software developers. One critical aspect of gaming is setting yourself up for the next move in the game. We will focus on apprenticeship as a key strategy for winning the game.
Dave Hoover is a co-founder of Dev Bootcamp and author of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. He has been a software developer for 14 years, and has worked at ThoughtWorks, Obtiva, and Groupon before he decided to bring Dev Bootcamp to Chicago. Dave has been married for almost 17 years and is spending more and more time with his wife and 3 kids.