How do we effect change in large organizations, particularly ones like Federal Government agencies? How can culture can get in the way of the business or mission goals we are trying to accomplish? Agile approaches are used to achieve business goals, but your organizational culture can crush these efforts. How can we get past these?
This talk will focus on how to align the changes with the business/mission and overcome the culture that can prevent you from achieving your organizational business goals through its Agile Journey. You will learn how to break down your organizational transformation into small synergistic sets of organizational habits to change, and lastly how to consider how much change to take on at anyone time. These will be aligned with not only a target culture, but with your business objectives. Along the way, we’ll examine the differences between an Aspirational Model and an End-State Model and why an Aspirational Model is a better fit for Agile Transformations. We’ll explore a few models and concepts so you walk away with some things to try yourself as you create your own Journey.
What’s more, during this exploration, I’ll relay how I have used this approach in the Federal Government sector to help an Agency get their transformation underway. I’ll also talk about challenges that cropped up and where ignoring some of this approach served to hinder transformation.
This talk is suitable for change agents, coaches, leadership, and mid-level management that need to effect change in larger, established organizations.