Tim Ottinger

Tim is a long-time programmer (since 1979), contributing editor, reviewer, author. He has been active in Design Patterns, Object-Oriented Design, and Agile software development.

He is a consultant, programmer, tester, teacher, agile team coach, manager, and writer.

Tim is one of the crew of experts at Industrial Logic, a premier agile consultancy, eLearning vendor, and thought leader. Here he joins with Bill Wake, Joshua Kerievsky, Woody Zuill, Arlo Belshee, Mike Hill, and other industry experts to help people develop the skills that will make them awesome.

In addition to his contributions in “Clean Code” and “Agile In A Flash”, Tim’s articles appeared in the C++ Journal, Pragmatic Bookshelf, InfoQ, CIO, and SmartBear.

Tim muses about of his experiences and ideas on the Agile Otter blog and the Industrial Logic company blog.