The Central Ohio Agile Association presents:

The Path to Agility

and featuring The Path to Craftsmanship

Q4 2024
Columbus, Ohio

Past Years

2016 Sessions

2016 Sessions

List of 2016 sessions, including presentations & video of sessions (if available, a link will show on the screen)

Ellen Gottesdiener — Innovate and Invigorate Your Agile Discovery Practices  Video

Kevin Fisher — DevOps: Company Culture Can Make or Break DevOps Success  Video

Dave West — Scrum Turns 21: What is Next for Scrum for the Next 20 Years Video

Jon Stahl — Leading Lean  Video

Gil Broza — Being Agile: Having the Mind-set that Delivers Video

Srini Koushik — Why IT Doesn’t Matter In Today’s Exponential Organization  Video

Guru Vasudeva — Agile & Lean: A Marriage to Maximize the Value of IT  Video

Ryan Ripley — The Business of Agile: Better, Faster, Cheaper  Video

Johanna Rothman — Becoming an Agile Leader Regardless of Your Role  Video

Doc Norton — Building Blocks of a Knowledge Work Culture Video

Jason Womack — Get Momentum: Five Questions to Ask to Get Started  Video

Christopher Avery — The Responsibility Process

Gary Bernhardt — Reproducibility

Jeremy Willets — Introspection: The Key to Making Your Environment Conducive to Continuous Learning

Justin Browder & Bryan Schoeff — Perfect Strangers: How Project Managers and Developers Relate and Succeed

Dan Greenleaf, Andrea Boddeker, Scott Taylor & Brett Buchanan — Experiences of Portfolio Planning in a Lean Agile Environment

Rick Guba — Lean 101

Nick Martin & Adam Essenmacher — DevOps – The Promise of Agility, Delivered

Joe Beale — Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment

Ryan Cromwell & Dewayne Lane — Web Experience Workshop

Jeff Ivany, Jonathon Baugh & Lauren Cavileer — Digital Experience Workshop: Design Thinking, Lean UX, & Agile Delivery

Kimberly Clavin & Jonathan Stevens — Hands On With Techno-Fashion and Wearables/Women in Technology

Scott Preston — How To Build a Robotic Exoskeleton, aka Iron Man Suit

Dan Rice — Agile Portfolio Management – Build the right things

Tina Saunders — Navigating the People Side of Change on an Agile Project

Matt Barcomb — Using Flow-based Road Mapping & Option Framing

Steven Davidson, Ben Thorp, Zahid Hossain & Steve Carmichael — Agile Architecture

Dustin Potts – Agile Transformations – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

Eric Downey — Protocol Oriented Programming

Mike Doel — How Software Learns

Justin Searls & Todd Kaufman — TDD and Javascript workshop

Michael Mah — Beyond Productivity and Toward Market Dominance. What’s Next for Agile as the Great Disrupter

Jennifer Bentley, Connie Kobal & Larry Goldsmith — Visual Requirements Elicitation

Greg Dartt & Wendy Jacobs — Introducing Agile in a Non-Software World

Dante Vilardi — Crash Your Own Party: Functional Managers in the Next Wave of Agile Transformation

Alex Crabtree, Julie Dorazio, Christian Mavriplis, Andrew Lehman & Michael Vlasz — Business Intelligence Agility: Delivering Resilient Information Management Iteratively

Ben Blanquera, Alan Gilbert, Adam Torres, Matt Grover, Tim Heller & Zac Dziczkowski — World class engineering – a Startup Mentality to Speed, Scalability, and Solutions

Chris Nelson — Low Ceremony Microservices with Elixir

Dustin Williams — Applying the Open-Closed Principle: Never Write an IF Statement Again

Joseph Ours — How to Undermine Agile Transformations

Jeff Blankenburg — Fear

Doug Morgan & Dave Speck — Finding the Sweet Spot, the Art of Writing Scenarios

Jennifer Picolo & Benji Michalek –You are NOT Your User

Kimberly Clavin, Jill Yavorsky, Joy Kenyon, Katie Miller & Anna Weber — Women in Technology

Rob Tarr — Breaking up with Your Build Tools

Amitai Schlair — Shoestring Agility in a Velcro Organization

Jim Holmes — “OMG! This Codebase Sucks!” Paying Down Technical Debt While Continuing to Deliver Value

Keith Wedinger — Effective software documentation in an Agile environment

Amber Conville — Code Retreat

Brooks Myers & Jake Kuttothara — Mobile 3D Scanning: The Future of Digital Imaging

Michael Cao – How 3D Printing Actually Works

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