The Central Ohio Agile Association presents:

The Path to Agility

and featuring The Path to Craftsmanship

Q4 2024
Columbus, Ohio

Past Years

2017 Sessions

2017 Sessions

List of 2017 sessions, including presentations & video of sessions (if available, a link will show on the screen)

Tim Ottinger – Always Be Learning & Experimenting

Christopher Avery – The Responsibility Process

Jodi Womack – Get Momentum When You Need It Most

Esther Derby – Leaders at All Levels

Barry Tarlton – The MacGyver Mindset for Mastering Problem Solving

Daryl Kulak – Three Types of ROI – Thin, Thick and Thurmanator

Ryan Ripley – The #NoEstimates Movement

Tim Ottinger – Leading Knowledge Workers

Dustin Potts – Seven Deadly Sins of Agile Coaching

Dave West – Who Is the Product Owner, Anyway?

Rob Tarr & Ryan Cromwell – Modern Javascript Workshop

Matthew Badgley – Learning To Fly:  Purpose-Drive Teams

Steven Davidson – Agile Product Management Craftsmanship

Patricia Kong – Evidence-based Management & Metrics

Nate Lusher & Vicki Muscarella – Explosive Growth without Killing the Culture

Mandar Malunjkar, Eileen Ouellette, Kelly Kroskie, Michael Reggie, Dana Weigle, Neil Ritzert –Travelogue: Agility Transformation Journey at Alliance Data Systems and NetJets

Dan Wiebe – Writing rspec-Style Tests Respectfully

Jason Blackhurst – Developer-Initiated DevOps

Tommy Graves – Epistemology of Disagreeing

Kalpesh Shah – Outcome Over Output: Taking your Team to Next Level of Awesome !!!

Raj Indugula – Be Ready, Be Done: The Art of Slicing Stories

Kyle Mielke – Applying Lean Principles to Your Sales & Marketing Teams

Kyle Jenkins –  Trust – Can we build it? Yes we can!

Ryan Ripley – Advanced Scrum

Hunter Willett – Frameworks are Like New Golf Clubs, They Won’t Fix a Terrible Swing: How Understanding the Principles of Agile is the First Step

Amanda Laucher – Coal Miners to Craftsman

Peter Kananen – Hands-on Flow Metrics

Sam O’Brien – 12 Steps to an Agile Mindset

Cynthia Payne & Jim Grafmeyer – Chat Bots and Chat Ops

Linda Farrenkopf – Integrating Agile Into Your Manager’s DNA

Ben Thorp – The Elusive Magic of Teams

Dan Greenleaf – Agile Metrics

Manisha Mahawar – How To Deliver Effective Feedback

Jon Fuller – Building Mobile Apps Can be Hard

Ryan Ripley, Faye Thompson, Jodi Womack, Davd Faurio, Tim Ottinger – Continuous Learning Through Aggressive Curiosity

Connie Kobal, Jennifer Bentley, Christy Fenzl, Kyle Udall – Visual Requirements – How to Decompose Scope

Warner Moore – Building a High Performing WebOps Team

Kevin Fox – Building Delivery Pipelines with Jenkins’ Pipeline as Code

Jeff Dalton – Agile Performance Holarchy

April Jefferson & Brielle Maxwell – Embracing LEAN Thinking and an Agile Mindset

Jeremy Willetts – Taking Agile Principles and Practices to the Rest of the Organization

Jim Sammons, Jon Stahl, John Mason, Anji Lopez, Nilesh Thamane – Coaching Panel

Wendy Jacobs & Nate Lusher – Keep Calm and Story Map On

Chris Slee – APIs and the Agile Transformation

Chris Nelson – GraphQL – What It Is and Why You Should Care

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